Which is More Effective — Waterpik or Standard Dental Floss?

  You want to make a rational decision when it comes to dental health. Higher prices accompany the introduction of new technologies, and you may ask if they clean any better than their manual equivalents.  Since making this selection might be difficult, we’ve put up a comprehensive comparison of waterpik and standard string dental floss…

To Pull Out Your Tooth or Save It

Having an infected tooth can be very difficult to deal with due to the pain that comes with it. You will usually get multiple opinions about what to do about your diseased tooth. However, the best advice you can get will be from a dentist, and it will usually fall between options to save your…

Foods that are great for Oral Health

Unhealthy food feels great when you consume it, especially comfort food on bad days. However, they aren’t the kindest option for your oral health, which is the first thing that gets compromised when you load up on too much junk food. Now, that’s no way to make your dentist proud, and with the current environment,…

Is sparkling water Harmful To Your Teeth?

According to USA Today, sparkling water might be the hottest (rather, coolest) choice of beverage right now. It’s the mixture of how water is good for your health combined with how plain water is boring, and it’s easy to replace it with unusual, carbonated, flavored ones. In 2016, in the U.S alone, sparkling water worth…

Everything to Know About Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding or bruxism is a common condition. Over 20% of Americans are regular teeth grinders. In fact, 5% of the world’s population forcefully grinds their teeth. Teeth grinding includes involuntary grinding, gnashing, and clenching of teeth. While many people have this condition, they are often not aware of their teeth grinding. It is usually…

What is the Importance of a Dental Exam?

Going for a regular dental exam is key to maintaining your dental health. Whether it’s a professional cleaning or a check-up, these dental exams are an opportunity to identify potential problems early on. Maintaining the health of your teeth and gums helps to prevent oral infections that can cause problems elsewhere in your body. Your…

You Better Tell These things to Your Dentist

Did you know almost 1 out of 4 adults in America suffers from dental health issues? Dental health can impact many parts of our lives, often without our knowledge. On the other hand, dentists understand how important dental health is and how it may enhance or hurt your overall health. Dentists can get a lot…

Recovering from Gum Graft Surgery

  Gingival recession, commonly known as receding gums, is a condition where your gum line recedes, exposing the roots of the teeth. There may be multiple factors causing your gums to recede, but unfortunately, it is impossible to grow them back.   Studies suggest that around 50% of the world’s population suffers from gingival recession,…


How To Treat Bleeding Gums

Close to 3.5 billion people around the world suffer from some type of oral problem at present. Gum-related diseases are most common, with around 50% of the world’s population suffering from one of its many types. As per data collected by WHO, around 10% of the global population suffers from severe gum (periodontal) diseases that…