Routine dental checkups — especially at a professional dental clinic in Vancouver — are in every person’s best interests. This is because the positive effects of routine dental care are compounding. That is, longer-term routine attendees enjoy more significant benefits from routine dental checkups [1].
For the best oral health outcomes, the Canadian Dental Association recommends scheduling dental checkups about once every six months [2]. Even so, many people put off routine dental care for various reasons including time, dental anxiety, or lack of finances. But the consequences of keeping an irregular dental care schedule can be painful and costly. To get regular dental checkups, patients can contact Smile Well Dental. It is run by experienced doctors and staff who pay attention to the patient’s utmost comfort.
Reasons Why You Should Have Regular Dental Check-ups
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1. Routine Dental Checkups Prevent The Need For Future Dental Procedures
During a checkup, every dentist looks for plaque and tartar and evidence of bad habits (smoking, poor diet) that can harm teeth [3]. In doing so, they can treat conditions that are ripe for cavities and gum disease, far before they form. They then recommend positive behavioral changes that can reduce patients’ risks of needing future dental surgery and tooth loss [4, 5].
When a patient goes through regular dental checkups, the dentist will perform x-rays every so often. These x-rays allow the dentist to check beneath the surface of the patient’s mouth and see if they have any underlying issues.
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2. Dentists Can Keep Most Conditions From Becoming Severe
About one-third of Canadians currently have some untreated dental concerns (most;y cavities) [6]. For these people, regularly visiting their dentist for routine dental checkups can prevent or treat most conditions.
That is because, when caught early, cavity treatment is minimally invasive, with little pain or financial cost [7]. Likewise, more severe oral health problems (like impacted teeth and oral cancer) can be more successfully treated with fewer complications when diagnosed early by a qualified dentist in Vancouver [8].
Oral cancer isn’t a disease most people think to check for. However, your dentist most certainly will when you go for regular dental checkups. For something like cancer, the earlier you find its existence, your chances of getting better increase significantly.
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3. Good Oral Health Is A Critical Part Of A Healthy Life
Most every health care professional and dentist in Vancouver has long known that oral health affects overall health [9]. Recent research suggests that this may be because bacteria flourishing in the mouth under poor oral health conditions may cause other illnesses, including asthma, COPD, and pneumonia, as well as contributing to pulmonary inflammation and stress [10]. Given that routine dental care leads to better oral health, it is also associated with a reduced risk for these kinds of illnesses [1].
4. Routine Dental Checkups Protect & Improve Patients’ Quality Of Life
There is a proven correlation between routine dental care and high quality of life through adulthood and old age [11]. Moreover, dental patients who regularly need specialized care, fillings, and crowns during (and as a result of) routine dental checkups report significant improvements to their quality of life over time [11].
Often, when we feel pain in our jaw or hear popping sounds when we close it, we dismiss it. But, in reality, this could be due to joint disorders, cysts, or tumors. While these aren’t diseases that your dentist could treat, through regular checkups and honesty on your part about your symptoms, they will be able to diagnose you. If not, they can immediately point you to a trusted doctor when they suspect something.
Conversely, people who do not attend regular dental checkups at a professional dental clinic in Vancouver experience significant decreases in their quality of life over time [11].
5. Seeking Routine Checkups At A Dental Clinic In Vancouver Saves Money
Investing in preventive oral health care tends to reap significant rewards. For example, receiving high-frequency routine dental checkups can cut restorative dental care costs by as much as 86% [12]. What’s more, each dollar invested in early dental interventions tends to save patients $8-$50 in future costs [13].
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6. Finding The Root Cause Of Bad Breath
So, you brush regularly, floss, and follow all cleaning procedures. Yet, the bad breath seems to follow you, especially when you don’t eat for some time. The reason could be acid reflux, bronchitis, or any other number of things. You won’t know unless you contact your dentist and help you find the actual reason.
If it is any of the diseases, checkups at regular intervals will make sure you never have to know what bad breath is in the first place.
7. Get Treated For Sleep Apnea
Some dentists specialize in treating sleep apnea. While their primary role is to treat loud snoring, sleep apnea often falls under it as it is often the cause. The dentist in question collaborates with other doctors to develop a treatment plan best beneficial for the patient.
If your sleep apnea therapy involves oral appliances, your dentist will adjust and take care of the appliances for you.
8. People Receiving Routine Dental Care Feel More Confidence
Recent research has confirmed what professional dentists in Vancouver have known all along: good oral health improves patients’ confidence in relationships, social experiences, and professional settings [14]. Consequently, it is important to establish (and adhere to) a regular oral care routine that includes routine dental checkups throughout your life — the earlier, the better, though it is never too late to start.
Also, some people don’t like their smile due to the set or color of their teeth. Your dentist probably dabbles in Invisalign [15] or similar treatment. You can keep your gums and teeth in good condition by going to regular checkups. The procedure would be pretty simple when you decide to change your smile by improving your teeth.
Contact Smile Well Dental for the top-rated dentists in North Vancouver today.